I know the last thing you want to be doing right now is reading some advice from a previous 105E student. However, I think the information I'm about to give you will be of some help =D.
First of all, please put effort into your paper and have fun with them. I know writing at times seem stressful, but you learn new things that you didn't know before. This year I learned that many things I have done on the internet is illegal (oops). Also, the mini papers are great for building your writing skills. Please work hard on your mini papers too because they do help build up to your bigger papers.
Also, I know the whole 8-10 pages may seem stressful but they wouldn't be if you do not procrastinate. Doing the research paper is a very extensive process but Liz is great at helping you get things done. Even though she will at some point stop assigning readings and say that you are on your own to do whatever you wish to do with your time, she makes us stay on task by making deadlines, and she does this with good intentions. You will notice that the hard part may not be the 8-10 pages rather than making your idea clear for your readers and making your research purposeful.
By the way, these blogs are actually helpful. At first I dreaded them because I have bad memory and I would forget that I have to do them or that I had to comment to someone else's comment, but they help with your papers and serves as a form of free writing. These blogs are not graded on structure, therefore make the best of them and ask and say whatever you feel necessary- the feedback is helpful.
Guys, Liz is an amazing instructor and has your best interest at heart. Make the best of the class and give it your all. Also, be sure to participate- I know I did not do so well at that but if I could, I would have been more open to conversation. Remember, you are all here to learn- there are no stupid questions.