Usually, I need to brainstorm before even start my writing. In order to write something I need to brainstorm first and I do this whenever I feel like to. For example, free time, while walking, and while leaning on the bed are the best time for me to brainstorm. After brainstorm when I really started to write I need to be in a silence place like library where I couldn’t hear any noise. So usually I go to the quiet study area in library to do my writing.
The process of my writing is different than the process I use to do homework from other classes. If I have to do math homework I need loud music in my laptop. Unlike, any other homework or activities, for writing I need peace environment where my brain doesn’t interact with other distraction around. Even though I am not a good writer I always enjoyed the moment when I have to write something or when I choose to write something. Last week, I got three college essays from the senior students from high school. All three papers I spent 2 hours editing each of the paper. It would have take me more than 2 hours if I chose to edit their papers in the place where there is lot of noise and distractions. Therefore, I am a better writer in silence place like library than any other places.
Okay .. Thats really nice man