Thursday, September 8, 2011

prompt #2 response.

I am guilty of plagiarizing song quotes and pictures in order to express myself online. Wait, before my head gets put on the chopping board, let me clarify that each of you has most likely done this many times also. You know those times when you feel an emotion that you cannot describe in your own words, but have come across song lyrics that capture it perfectly? How many times have lyrics like that become your Facebook status without quotes or reference to the author's name? I'm guessing the answer to both of those questions is "many" for nearly all of you guys. There have also been times where I have seen a picture that inspires an emotion or provokes a thought so significant that it's hard to keep it completely to myself; that's why many of us have a "mobile uploads" album larger than that of our profile pictures album. When I use these lyrics and pictures, I don't think that I am committing an unlawful offense or attempting to benefit from another's work. At the same time I don't think that what I am doing is or should be a punishable offense because my only purpose is creativity; I have zero intention of hurting anyone or stepping on anyone else to advance my own situation. If this world were not made interesting by us constantly trying to understand ourselves and those around us, then what else could it possibly be made interesting by? That is simply what I strive to do; in a way, there is always a small hope in my mind that my posts will connect somehow with someone. Perhaps my posts could inspire someone the same way that I was inspired. Perhaps my posts could help others understand me.

Also, the lyrics and pictures that I use are all freely available to the public via the internet, freely available to anyone and everyone. Therefore I do not know if know if this can even be considered any type of plagiarism because the material was made public. My blog is available to the public, and to me the public availability of such information means that anyone should be able to read and utilize my posts for their own creativity building. So I do agree with Lessig in that copyright law should be patrolled by the basis in which the material is used not the simple fact that the material was used. We should focus on the purpose and intent of usage rather than simply the usage, despite the fact that the lines could be even fuzzier in this aspect.

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