Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Prompt #9 due Monday, Oct. 31st
Monday, October 24, 2011
Prompt #8
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Prompt #8 Response
Promt # 8
My Meliora weekend started with BME homework on Friday afternoon until 8 pm. After 8 I went out with my friends. We went to see this movie called rise of the planets or the APES. I enjoyed the movie and thought it carried a deep meaning as far as animal hurting is concerned. After the movie was done at around 10 pm we came back to the University. I saw that Russell Peters was coming here. I saw him for last 10 minutes of his show which I think was kind of nice. He was hilarious and made lots of funny jokes that made me laugh. After that I didn’t do anything for that day.
The next day, it was Saturday and I went to Buffalo NY just to hang out with my friends, I came back at around 5 pm in the evening and went to macys to buy some warm clothes for the winter. I wasn’t really able to attend any events during the Meliora weekend, Next thing I did was we went around the city in my friends, also went to the downtown area. Today so far I am very busy finishing my homework. I need to finish my chemistry homework and also the lab report, and also practice for my exam
Prompt #8
Prompt 8 Response David
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Prompt # 8
The only thing negative about my weekend is that, seeing parents all over campus makes me miss my parents. For next Meliora weekend, I am going to be sure to invite my parents.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Prompt #8
My weekend will start from Friday evening. I already plan to go watch movie with some of my friends and uncle today around 9:00 pm. We haven’t talk about what movie are you going to watch but hopefully we will decide to watch something interesting movie. On Saturday I scheduled my day for doing homework because I have tons of homework. I have lab report for chemistry, BME homework, and chemistry homework. Sunday will be my busy day since I asked two juniors from RIT who are doing their project on immigrants to come to University of Rochester. They are hoping to interview me to share some stories that I have been through since I came to the USA. I am also hoping to interview them and explore more about what are the challenges that refugee youths are facing. Later on Sunday I am planning to go home for a while because my uncle’s friend has birthday and I am invited. Hopefully, this weekend will be fun for everybody and me.
prompt #8 response.
Other than that, it'll be a weekend full of chem studying for me. Oh and you guys should all go see An Absolute Turkey because one of my friends is in it, and I heard it is hilarious! (:
I wish my parents were coming because I really miss them ):
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Blog #7 response
The interviews could be a insight to the other side of gang violence that we dont get to read in the papers or see in the news. We get to hear it from someone on the inside. I don't know the main purpose for my paper yet but i know i want to discuss gang violence and why its such a serious controversy and why we should pay more attention to it.
Post 7
I think I am going to stick with the idea of women rights. For formal essays 2, my topic was on the violate of rights of women that work in factories. For my final research paper, I do not only want to forces on women in the work force, but also on how women are also mistreated by society. I am not talking about our society ,but societies in undeveloped countries. I guess I can say that I want to write about the oppression women face around the world. The only problem I see is, finding a way to research this topic. I could find a lot of secondary research, but I do not know what primary research I would do.
Another topic I was considering is evaluating women roles portrayed in media. I would look at different kinds of media and analyze how gender roles are portrayed. For instance, I will watch a movie and look for all the gender stereo types. The only question I have about that is if it is social injustice issue. Women stereotypes can be an issue, but I do not think it is to the point in which people will try to stop it.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Promt # 7 Response..
Iraq, Afghanistan War: Principle reasons to economic recession?
I am thinking about doing a research on the US war with Middle East as a principle reasons to economic recession. Is the money that we are spending on war more like a waste or does this spending on terror also have some good sides? Should we stop these wars and focus more on fighting the economic downfall that we are facing now? I would like to include and talk about the statistics about the tax money that our government puts on to the army that we sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. I would include that data of whether the people in US like these actions of government sending the troops to foreign nations. Also if the people in those countries actually like the US army being there, do they feel safe about it or are they even more scared about the US force there? Are US armies in those lands actually helping to keep the country and people safe or are they even creating more disturbance?
At last, I would like to propose a solution how these problems might be dealt? I don’t mean that I will be able to solve these problems because they are unsolved for years? But I will definitely write my opinions that might help the situations in some ways
Prompt #7 Response
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Prompt #7
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Prompt 7 response - David
Friday, October 14, 2011
Prompt #7
The issue that I obtained from is about the social injustice. It tells a lot about how a single mom with daughters was treated by the court just because she sent her kids to the school in district other than she lives. She had to face so many consequences, more than people could have ever imagined. For my final project I would like to research something similar to this issue where people has to stay under pressure and many situation. The best thing in my mind so far is doing research in recently moved immigrant in one of the Rochester’s community and figured out what are the challenges they have to face in their new home.
Some of us might know what it means to immigrate to the new place and settle down. Personally, I came to NYC, USA three years ago as an immigrant. During my first year of life in USA I had to face so much challenges, something that I had ever think of. The research I would like to do is about Bhutanese Refugee who has been resettling in Rochester. More specifically, I am going to find the challenges that the Bhutanese youth students have to face in their new land. I am interested in this topic because I am not only trying to research about the issue but I would also like to find the solutions for this issue. Back in NYC I participated in Leaders in Training at International Rescue Committee, where diverse students from different schools in NYC used to gathered together and talked about the issues that the new refugees youth are facing in their new home. This project is very good opportunity for me to do research on Bhutanese youth in Rochester and bring some changes if possible.
prompt #7 response.
I really want to research something that has to do with food justice though because I think we all forget that proper nutrition can be just as important as any other social right. Does anyone have any suggesting on other research topics or how I can streamline this one? Should I focus on one type of marketing? (This I would have to reasearch because I am not sure how marketing is even categorized.) Should I focus on a certain food group? This idea is definitely still in the works.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Prompt #7 - due 10/17
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Promt # 6

I use face book and Hi5, I think they both are huge place to share culture and ideas. In many aspects I think Facebook shares lots of culture. Before I came here I didn’t know much about this country and the culture here. Even though I use to have Facebook, earlier it got more diverse since I have been here. I met friends from many different states and countries. Now I have people on my Facebook from a lot of places. They share their land and culture, the pictures, videos and the status that they put are diverse in many ways.
Most of my friends in Facebook are from Nepal and India, Most of the time I see them sharing their own culture. Like usually they post an Indian song or a dance, my friends from Nepal also do the same. Now I also have friends from here. When I go to their page they are more diverse on their own way. So nowadays Facebook really has been a way or a network to share culture. Before Facebook was very popular I use to use Hi5 which is also a social network, usually famous for making friends, more like Facebook. There also I observed lots of cultural diversification as far as culture seemed.
Prompt #6
I would like to talk about the Facebook as one of the online spaces that I routinely visit. Facebook has definitely shared cultures and values. Facebook has been the best place for people of all kinds to share what they have and what they have been through. Music, pictures, opinions, feelings, comments are some of the common things people like to share in Facebook. Creating different groups represent the culture in Facebook because certain group of people with certain objectives can be created in Facebook to talk and share information that they have within the group. For example, there is University of Rochester group in Facebook where students interact within the group. They share what they have and they ask any question they might have.
Sometimes I found that it is easy to judge people mood by visiting their Facebook page. One good example that I have is the fact I found with my uncle a month ago. When I used to write message to my uncle in Facebook usually, I used to receive reply soon from him like within a day. A month ago I had some kind of simple debate with my uncle and he was mad with my perspective in that debate. Later, I messaged him to make sure if he is still mad with me. He didn’t reply me for a week that clearly showed that he is still mad with me. Therefore, Facebook plays an important role in sharing cultures and values.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Prompt #6-Natalie
Prompt 6 Response - David
Prompt #6
Prompt #6 Response
I don’t usually use various types of online spaces, such as twitter and blogs, but I do often use Facebook since I consider that it has the largest users in the world and certainly has shared cultures and values that I regard as significant worth in this global society.
Facebook is obviously worldwide. I believe that among numerous shared cultures and values, its characteristic of multiculturalism is what people are attracted to. Using Facebook, people can share any information, ideas, stories and even photos and videos with their friends in anywhere in the world. Following this, people can comment on anything they want to add or like any post they really understand and enjoy conveying their thoughts. For example, in Korea, many entertainment companies that have very popular K-pop singers actually have their own Facebook page to share and update any information about their concerts or the news to the world. Once they post some information in the wall, numerous fans from all around world start to like and comment on the post, sharing their thought and expressing how excited they are. Although fans come from all different kind of countries, cultures, and societies, they are finally connected each other with one united common idea.
I often believe that the world is not divided into several pieces anymore. They have become one unity as they are in online spaces. Facebook triggers this motion by sharing multicultural values to all over the world.
Post 6
I have two online spaces that I share my ideas on. Those two websites are Facebook and my social wrong’s blog. The one I mostly share my culture is on Facebook. Facebook gives me the opportunity to comment or like on other people’s ideas. Not everything posted on Facebook is something to have an opinion on but there are things one can write his or her opinions about. For instance, a recent topic that was on Facebook was the execution of Troy Davis. Many statuses were on the injustice done to Davis by the government. Such statuses give me the opportunity to comment on what the government should have done and what they shouldn’t. By expressing what I think, I am addressing my values and beliefs. For instance, I did comment on Davis’ execution as being unjust. The government and the Supreme Court are meant to bring justice to the country and this action makes everyone doubt the role of the courts.
Facebook has no limitation in what you can post, so it is easy for people to converse about anything in multiple ways. Recently I have discovered that people even post pictures of News images and tag people on it. I was tagged in a picture of a soldier that has his face deformed, result of the war. It is to show the reasons why soldiers should be pulled out of Iraq. Soldiers are risking their lives because of the government’s stupidity. I did not remove the tag because it is something I also believe in. Many people commented on the picture and I read most of them. When I agreed with what another person said, I would like or comment back to that person on what they posted. As you can see, it is very easy to have a conversation.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Post #6 (Blogging)
You're right! Blogging is one of the online sites, or maybe the only one, that I truly admire. I think the phrase you could have associated yourself with when speaking about being safe and comfortable with sharing your secrets with a world of strangers is that you become the man behind the screen and no one could criminalize you for it. Blogging is a way to have your "diary" read and no one will care. your friends know you and will instantly have an opinion on what you do because they know you as a friend not just as a person (it sounds weird but it's true). Also, you guys share a common need; A need to breathe and expose your emotions and feelings. Although others may oppose with your feelings, there might be many more who agree with you so it isn't you against who you are expected to be, but you and others like you who may or may not feel the same.
# 6 (:
The only online site that I visit often would be Facebook. I believe that on Facebook there are people that share certain values and cultures. On Facebook people post certain ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and arts they have either discovered, believed in, or disapprove. I will give an example of all three. When someone hears a new song that they have discovered or heard of a friend’s mash-up and posts it up they are putting up a new art they have discovered. When people put up bible quotes or when they quote an artist they are posting up something they believe in. Finally, with the issue of planking (where people lay on their stomachs in weird places, take a picture, and post it up on Facebook or another site) there were many people who found it cool and others who thought it was absurd and put up their feelings about it on Facebook. As a result others may agree or disagree by liking their post or posting up comments, others sometimes write “RP” (re-post) and write a quote found on someone else’s page, and as a result, an open community is being created online where there are shared cultures and values.
Friday, October 7, 2011
prompt #6 response.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Response to Prompt#6
Twitter is also another online space where I feel there is a shared culture. If someone tweets something you agree with you get to "retweet" it and it appears in your profile. There are also trending topics in which there is a specific topic that every one tweets about. That could definitely be viewed as a shared culture since all the people would be discussing the same topic. Here the culture represented is the one of where everyone can pose their views on a specific topic and be able to do so without anyone restricting their self expression.
Prompt 6 instructions
Do your online spaces (the spaces you routinely visit) have shared culture? shared values? Using one online space (e.g., FB) as an example, offer evidence to support your claim about shared cultures and values (or lack thereof), being sure to indicate what those values are or look like and what sort of 'culture' you think is represented.