I initially thought of making some sort of blog and seeing the responses of all types of individuals but all of my attempts have been failing, so I feel as if this approach would not be the best to take. Therefore I decided to do two things:
1) Look at one of my favorite shows that show this bias and made me think of this issue- Degrassi the Next Generation
2)I have two people who have talked to me about this issue and I have decided to include them in my research
The only problem is that I don't know if these resources would suffice :( Any suggestions?
I think it would be a good idea to not only include a show that shows the bias, but also one that does not. Since you are only trying to discover whether or not there is a bias, I think it is important to look at both sides. What are some of the arguments that have been made to show that perhaps there is no bias? Also, how does this bias change across different age groups? I think your topic is really interesting though!