Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Post 7

What ideas do you have (so far) for a final research topic?

I think I am going to stick with the idea of women rights. For formal essays 2, my topic was on the violate of rights of women that work in factories. For my final research paper, I do not only want to forces on women in the work force, but also on how women are also mistreated by society. I am not talking about our society ,but societies in undeveloped countries. I guess I can say that I want to write about the oppression women face around the world. The only problem I see is, finding a way to research this topic. I could find a lot of secondary research, but I do not know what primary research I would do.
Another topic I was considering is evaluating women roles portrayed in media. I would look at different kinds of media and analyze how gender roles are portrayed. For instance, I will watch a movie and look for all the gender stereo types. The only question I have about that is if it is social injustice issue. Women stereotypes can be an issue, but I do not think it is to the point in which people will try to stop it.


  1. If you did an analysis of media and film, would you focus only on gender roles or do you think discussions of race and ethnicity might also enter into the equation? I ask this because you say you want to focus on other, third world countries... I think that you might also be able to gather data from twitter, facebook, or blogs. With increased access to the internet, more and more people are writing about their personal stories.

  2. Do you think you could do a survey or questionnaire for your primary research? Because women are generally more emotionally oriented (sorry if that's another stereotype!!), perhaps it would be interesting to see how women themselves percieve the way they are treated in society? Perhaps you could get perspectives from different age groups too because I'm sure college aged people view this very differently than middle aged adults or the elderly.

  3. Jessica, I really like both ideas. I think that for the second option, if you sit down and watch a few movies, you can see the different ways woman are portrayed. (Like Disney movies and their portrayal of women could be different from a different genre). Maybe you can even look into the directors, because maybe a male director could portray a female character differently than a female director would? (That's just brainstorming an idea) or you can look at television shows, like Modern Family, Family Guy, or Desperate Housewives and compare their portrayal of women. Your analyzation of these shows would in turn become your research. The next step would be finding a functioning research question.

  4. If you do the research on women issues in many undeveloped country, I think making online women friends from undeveloped country would be great idea. This way you can ask them if they have any problem from their family and community. Later on you can interview them online and use it as your primary resource.
