I use face book and Hi5, I think they both are huge place to share culture and ideas. In many aspects I think Facebook shares lots of culture. Before I came here I didn’t know much about this country and the culture here. Even though I use to have Facebook, earlier it got more diverse since I have been here. I met friends from many different states and countries. Now I have people on my Facebook from a lot of places. They share their land and culture, the pictures, videos and the status that they put are diverse in many ways.
Most of my friends in Facebook are from Nepal and India, Most of the time I see them sharing their own culture. Like usually they post an Indian song or a dance, my friends from Nepal also do the same. Now I also have friends from here. When I go to their page they are more diverse on their own way. So nowadays Facebook really has been a way or a network to share culture. Before Facebook was very popular I use to use Hi5 which is also a social network, usually famous for making friends, more like Facebook. There also I observed lots of cultural diversification as far as culture seemed.
Facebook has been one of the great place for diversity. As any other Facebook user I also have more than 300 friends in Facebook and they are from many places. In other side I found that Facebook is also addictive website for many teenagers. Unfortunately, I deactivated my Facebook page for few months because I found that it is kind of distracted for my study.