Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prompt #7

I am interested in doing research on the salaries of some of the most popular athletes and entertainers. They get paid an unthinkable amount of money to do what they do, however, many of them present themselves as very poor role models. The question I might pose is what is the value of entertainment? These athletes and performers earn their salary for doing what most everyday people are not capable of doing, but is it worth the price of destroying the innocence of young children? For my research, I might watch certain segments on the news and see what portion of these segments are reserved to talking about scandals involving these athletes and entertainers and what portion is designated to reporting the actual results of games or performances. I am not sure if this research will be effective enough to allow me to write a long paper, though. I am also unsure of which people to focus on during the research- although there are some very poor role models out there, there are some good ones as well. Any suggestions would be great!


  1. Michelle, I've also thought about the value of entertainment, but the first thought that came to me was that it would be really difficult to make reasonable argument. I believed that the value of entertainment was totally abstract and couldn't be determined. However, when I saw your idea for your research, such as watching certain segments on the news and dividing into portions, I thought it would be effective. I think you have to be careful to choose athletes and entertainers. It would be great if they are involved in multi-fields such as acting and singing so that you can easily compare with each other. I'm sorry that I don't know much about popular athletes and entertainers in the States.

  2. So say more about the role of salary in all of this - it seems to me that the issue you'd really like to get at is that of 'role model' - what example are these people setting? You may also want to consider following a few stars' twitter feeds - you could make a claim about the appropriate/inappropriateness of comments made.
