Monday, December 12, 2011



I know the last thing you want to be doing right now is reading some advice from a previous 105E student. However, I think the information I'm about to give you will be of some help =D.

First of all, please put effort into your paper and have fun with them. I know writing at times seem stressful, but you learn new things that you didn't know before. This year I learned that many things I have done on the internet is illegal (oops). Also, the mini papers are great for building your writing skills. Please work hard on your mini papers too because they do help build up to your bigger papers.

Also, I know the whole 8-10 pages may seem stressful but they wouldn't be if you do not procrastinate. Doing the research paper is a very extensive process but Liz is great at helping you get things done. Even though she will at some point stop assigning readings and say that you are on your own to do whatever you wish to do with your time, she makes us stay on task by making deadlines, and she does this with good intentions. You will notice that the hard part may not be the 8-10 pages rather than making your idea clear for your readers and making your research purposeful.

By the way, these blogs are actually helpful. At first I dreaded them because I have bad memory and I would forget that I have to do them or that I had to comment to someone else's comment, but they help with your papers and serves as a form of free writing. These blogs are not graded on structure, therefore make the best of them and ask and say whatever you feel necessary- the feedback is helpful.

Guys, Liz is an amazing instructor and has your best interest at heart. Make the best of the class and give it your all. Also, be sure to participate- I know I did not do so well at that but if I could, I would have been more open to conversation. Remember, you are all here to learn- there are no stupid questions.

Letter to next year's class.

Hiiiiiiiiiii future students of 105E (or I guess you guys would be officially in class when you read this),

First of all, BE EXCITED for this semester.
Liz is a fantastic teacher, and I don't just say that about any teacher for insignificant reasons. I'm pretty critical of classes and teachers I suppose, but this class turned out to be one of my favorites. Most importantly I became a lot more confident in my writing and my ability to write because Liz really helped take me step through step in the writing process. I was so scared coming into college and having to write "real college papers" but Liz made that so do-able. It's not as scary as it seems, trust me. ASK questions, EMAIL Liz with any help you may need (she responds super duper fast and is always willing to help until you get it). I learned that writing a paper HAS to be done in steps; you really cannot sit down and do it all at once no matter how awesome you think you are. Quality in steps. Each step should flow into the next.

Second, don't B.S. (excuse my language) any papers just to get them done. There is a reason for writing each paper. For example, the three informal papers that I had to write REALLY helped me in writing my final paper; the prompts were similar so I was writing about similar stuff in all those papers. In fact, the three informal papers made writing the final paper 100x (seriously, no exaggeration) easier. Because I put quality work into those three informal papers, I already had a lot of writing done for my final paper by the time I started to work on it. This is what I mean by quality in steps...take a giant paper one step at a time, and you'll find that it isn't so bad at all.

One thing I would have done differently was talk more in class...(wait, maybe I already talked to much...) BUT seriously participation makes class SO much more exciting. Liz asks for a lot of feedback from you guys, and the BEST part is that she really listens and takes that feedback into consideration. Seriously, participate in class when it's called for because not only will you learn so much more by being engaged, you will also encourage others to talk more too. Don't be shy. This class is so chill, and it's so small. Take advantage of the fact that the teacher will not just know your name, but actually know stuff about you! Most college class aren't this chill, and rarely do you find professors who care this much about their student's success and are so passionate about what they do.

I wish you guys the best in this and all your classes! Hopefully I can come visit you guys sometime and see how much you all will be ENJOYING this class (:


Letter to Next Year's Cohort

Before the semester start I was kind of worried about 10 pages research paper thinking what type of research I would do and how am I going to do it. What really surprise me now is to finished this 10 pages paper without even having any panic. The way final paper was divided like intro, background, methodology, findings etc....and the direction we got from you was my best part of this class. The way we started this class talking about remixing videos, and copyright law was very interesting and I learned so much about it. As same as the beginning of the class, the ending of the class is also great.

To be honest, I would not make this progress if Liz wouldn't be my teacher. She is great, helpful, and amiable no matter if she is in class or outside of the class. The was she plans the daily lesson is amazing and something different than the writing class I had taken before. One thing I would like to advice is to have more group work so that students would be more talkative. It's just me feeling like the class would be more interesting if we would have more debate, and discussion. In overall, this class is the best class of this semester for me....!!

Last Blog

When I was coming into this class, I was scared to know that I had to write an eight page paper for this class. I am not a good writer, so the idea of it freaked me out. As I started to come to class, I realized that this class was too interesting and valuable to be freaking out about it already.
I was never a big fan in writing or reading, but this class makes you enjoy it. As a matter of fact, it was the most interesting class I had this semester. It was not an easy course but all the material in it, were things I did not mind doing, even the final paper. For the final paper, I was able to pick a topic I was passionate about even though it was not a direct topic spoken in class. I think that is the best part of this class. The assignments were flexible in the sense that it was easy to make a piece of writing interesting for me.
Another thing about this class that you will be able to benefit from is the organization of it. The course is structured in a way that helps you stay on top of your things. For the project, we were naturally forced to work on it earlier. It would have been really stressful if I would have left it all for last minute, which I knew I would of.
The only tip, I can give you is to not misuse your resources. Resources are available to you, so take the opportunity.

Letter to Next Year's Cohort

From this class, I did not only learn how to deal with writing itself, but also learnt how to think logically. Whenever you have trouble looking for ideas for your topic, you can either try to request a meeting with Writing Center online or find Liz. You might prefer meeting with your professors more, because that way allows your professors to not only learn more about you, but also learn more about your ideas/structures about your paper (it helps with your grades lol.) Liz is almost always available for extra help!

I like the class schedule. It consists of reasonable amount of formal papers/informal papers/blogs. I would almost prefer having more social events like we had with other classes :D

Final Blog Post, Letter to the next year

Looking back on my freshman writing class, I can honestly say I enjoyed taking this specific writing class. Not only were the topics intriguing, but the variety of ways we could go about our final research paper, was indeed an advantage that I feel didn't exist in other classes. As for a future student, I would suggest on getting all the extra help you think you will need, and trying to spread out your work. The format in which the final paper is set up, makes it difficult to procrastinate(which is a good thing). When picking a final research topic, make sure it's something you are really interested in, because you will be spending extensive time on it, and you do not want to be working on a paper that you care little on. Over all I think this class is very enjoyable, especially the part that deals with remixing and plagiarism. Good luck!

Letter to Next year's cohort

I was introduced to Liz, in the month of July 2011, when I was in ECO. I still remember the first day of the class that she asked all of us to write our name and where we are from. The next day she said just feel free and be open minded. She treated us more like friends and make me realize that I was grown up. From that day on I feel like to be in this class for hours. This class has been the place where I can brainstorm all my thoughts and ideas on a certain topic. When she asked us to say our Highs an Lows, I felt I had someone to share whats going on with me. So it was just so good. I don't have words to describe her organizing ability. she is on top of everything to make sure we get things done on time. Once she even told us to use the hand motion to slow her down if she was fast. No teacher .. No teacher in my life was cooler than this.. I will certainly miss this class more than anything I have accomplished in my freshman year. Other than just liking the class and the teacher this class has been incredibly great towards enhancing my writing and reading skills. I feel like I learned how to make arguments and have a stand on it. I learned a lot about college writing and reading skills.
This class has been an awesome in the context of interacting and working in groups. my only advice to 2012 freshman is be willing to commit your time and it will worth it.
Thanks So much Liz,
You are more than a teacher , you are an inspirer. you will be missed

Letter to next year's cohort

What did you learn? What might you have done differently? and any advices.
This course helped me a lot on my writing. At first, I felt that the class had so much stuffs to do. At least one paper was due every week, and when I thought those papers were graded and actually part of the total grade, it seemed like the papers were giving me too much pressure. However, once I got used to all these works, it became much easier to create my own works. I think it will be better if you choose your final research paper topic as soon as possible. Then, you will have a lot more time than anyone else in class, and your paper will be developed more.
I learned the basic writing skills, including citation, rhetorical analysis, creating arguments and counterargument, and criticism. It was certainly difficult to learn, since all those things are that I didn't learn in highschool, but I really enjoyed learning new things.
Liz is also very friendly, easily approachable, and flexible. She makes students feel free to ask her questions, and helps a lot to understand many things in class.
I am so glad that I chose this class as my writing class!

Letter To Next Year's Cohorts

What I think was most helpful to me throughout this course was peer reviews and feedback from the professor. I would definitely say that you should really consider all of the advice you receive and actually take the time to think about how you can make adjustments to your writing. I noticed that rearranging even the littlest things that your reviewer didn't understand made a huge difference in my papers. Also, make sure you do a thorough job in reviewing someone else's paper because even though it might be tedious for you, it will be of much help to the other student.
The process for the final paper involved several steps and drafts before the final copy was due. I highly recommend that you put a lot of effort into each draft. If you have the mentality that it is just a rough draft and it doesn't really matter how good it is, then it will make writing the final copy so much worse. If you do put a lot of effort into each draft of the paper you write, I promise that the 8-10 page paper will really not be as bad as it sounds.
Also, I would suggest thinking about what you would like to write about for your final paper early on in the semester. This way, you won't have to freak out when your first draft is due because you don't even know what you want to write about. It's never too early to start brainstorming ideas.

Monday, November 28, 2011

My Writing Process

Usually, I need to brainstorm before even start my writing. In order to write something I need to brainstorm first and I do this whenever I feel like to. For example, free time, while walking, and while leaning on the bed are the best time for me to brainstorm. After brainstorm when I really started to write I need to be in a silence place like library where I couldn’t hear any noise. So usually I go to the quiet study area in library to do my writing.

The process of my writing is different than the process I use to do homework from other classes. If I have to do math homework I need loud music in my laptop. Unlike, any other homework or activities, for writing I need peace environment where my brain doesn’t interact with other distraction around. Even though I am not a good writer I always enjoyed the moment when I have to write something or when I choose to write something. Last week, I got three college essays from the senior students from high school. All three papers I spent 2 hours editing each of the paper. It would have take me more than 2 hours if I chose to edit their papers in the place where there is lot of noise and distractions. Therefore, I am a better writer in silence place like library than any other places.

the writing process.

Whenever I start writing, no matter fiction or nonfiction, everything has to be set up and ready. For example, for the research paper that I am writing, I have to have all my sources pulled up on different tabs so that I can access them as I write. I also open all the word docs on our class blackboard page that I think will be helpful for my paper or information that I might need to refer to as I write. I also have my email and blackboard open in case I have any questions.

I always write my introduction first because that is usually the part that comes easiest to me. I don't really do any brainstorming because I never end up using any of the brainstorming I do, so really it is a waste of time for me to sit and write out an outline. I feel like having an outline is too rigid, and when I right I like to change things as I go along. Depending on the type of writing that I am doing, I will sometimes speak the words out loud as I am writing and edit as I type if something sounds off.

The absolute hardest thing for me to do is analyze scholarly articles and interpret them so that their significance is clear. I usually end up summarizing the source rather than actually analyze it, so I like that we have already done informal papers where I have already done bits and pieces of analysis. As I write this paper, I also have all my informal papers pulled up on my computer screen so that I can refer to the analyses that I have already done. This has been SO helpful because once I get started in my analysis, it is so easy to come up with more and more ideas.

I always always take a break before writing the conclusion of any paper because that is the point when I consider my paper done. The conclusion is basically a summary of the paper, so once I have it written, I take a break to celebrate before summing the paper up in 2 or 3 sentences.

Class Post

When I write, I hate doing outlines. Maybe that is the reason why my writing is not that strong. Before, I thought outlines were essential and I did them. But later on I realized, that my writing never ends up anything like it was planned. For this research paper, I did make an outline, and yet again, my paper is not going to follow my outline. When I write, I always make last minute decisions. One thing I like doing is, just making bullet points to remind me that I have to make sure I include certain things.
When I write, I usually like writing under pressure. But since I have been in college, I have tried to start my writing several days earlier, prior to the due date. It has helped a lot. I feel a little more confident about my work.
When I sit down and write, I never like writing the whole thing at once. I get bored typing my own thoughts. That is why I write half or a couple of paragraphs and then I will go back to my writing.
Recently, writing has not been a dread to me. I kind of enjoy it now, even though I am never 100 percent confident when I write. I think that is because English is my second language

Post 12

The ISO Simon I attended was a blast; I really liked how they talked about different cultures in India. I didn’t know that in India there are lots of people who believe that many things are improper in their culture which in America are just the regular thing. I kind of liked the presentations because they also talked about many things that I have experienced. For example the traffic and the food

The most fascinating thing about japan was the trains. The supersonic trains were really faster and needed in America, also the Japanese dress and culture were very interesting

How I write... Natalie

When I am going through the difficult task of starting a paper, at first I just sit and read the directions, over and over again and then stare at a blank computer screen. Throughout high school, my teachers attempt to have me write an outline prior to starting my paper, but I never felt like they helped me. It was a big issue during my junior year, when in the state of New York, you're required to take the dreaded English Regents in order to graduate. That year, I realized that I am more of an off hand writer. As in, I would much rather sit down and just write out what I have, and later edit it, than try to come up with a web or outline of my thoughts. So now when I write any paper, I like to sit and think first and later move on to actually writing the paper. I usually block myself from Facebook and any other distracting website like Youtube ect.., that way my paper has my undivided attention. If I'm sitting there for over an hour, I will usually award myself with a little personal break, but sometimes that ends up being longer than I intended on making it. After I finish my papers, I do not like to immediately proof read them because I feel like at that point, I won't catch any errors. I'd much rather go back the next day and read it again, with a fresh mind set, and by doing this, I catch a lot more mistakes.

In Class Blog Response - David

I usually need to think for a while before I really start writing my papers. I will first look at the prompt, and start forming paper structures and coming up strong arguments for my position. But I don't just get stuck there when I am thinking. I usually do other things after I read the prompts. It could seem awkward..., but this works for me: I can sometimes come up some good ideas, even when I am doing my other homework. Playing games, showering, eating, having coffee, etc...

When I come up ideas about how to write the paper, I would first write the whole structure down on a paper. This way gives me a sense how I am going to present my ideas and how I can make the paper flow. Also, I will sometimes discuss the issues from the prompts with my friends before I even start writing, just in case that my arguments are also strong to readers.

After that, I will start looking up resources that support my position. After finding suitable resources for the paper, I start writing the paper. If necessary, I would sometimes go to the writing center, or even get my friends to read the paper, to see if my paper needs to be edited.

Writing methods

Writing an essay for me is like cleaning my room. There is always the big pile of things that go somewhere and then I have to "pretty it up". Then there are the small things thrown around that I must decide whether I should keep or throw out. Therefore, I first gather all of my information, plan out where everything is going to be sort, leaving the small information for last, and then I step back, re-read and fix things. After I have finished revising my work I send it to my ex girlfriend so that she could give me her feedback- just because she is brutal about my work and pushes me to my "full potential". ofcourse I only let her read my final drafts, not the working in progress ones.

post #13

When I sit down to write a paper, I generally cannot do it all in one sitting and I need to take several breaks. After each paragraph or so, I check my email or go on Facebook or just get away from my computer. It is definitely not the most efficient way to get the paper done, but it helps me to write better when I step away from the paper every so often. I don't really have a set order of what I do before I start to write my paper or what I do when I take a break. It's just whatever I feel like doing to take my mind off of the assignment for a little bit. Also, I almost never write my ideas in the order they would come in the paper (ex: intro first, body, conclusion). Even if I am in the middle of a paragraph or sentence, and an idea comes to mind, I immediately switch gears and start writing about that. I know that I can always go back to doing whatever I was writing at first, so I just start writing my new idea so that I won't forget it. Additionally, I never begin with my introduction. I think this is one of the harder things to write, and it is usually the last thing I write in a paper. I think it helps to write your introduction after you have written the rest of your paper because now you have a better idea of what you need to introduce to your audience.

Blog Response 28/11/12

I usually write papers in my room, in the very late night(like 2AM) after my roommate goes to sleep. It also means that I don't eat, drink, or listen to music when I write. I do like doing homework in the library, but I don't like writing papers in the library mainly because I can be easily distracted by everything in the library. I personally think that doing homework and writing papers are different. I need much more concentration and time to write papers than when I do simple calculation homework.

I don't mean that my roommate is noisy or distracts me, yet she is actually really kind. However, when she goes to sleep, I feel like I am the only one in the room. I believe that this time is when I have the greatest concentration to do anything.

In addition, in order to write papers in the very late night, I usually think about what I am going to write about, making plans during the day. Then, I can have a dozen of times to think about the paper. This makes me write papers in much shorter time.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Post 12

I did not go to the ISO event, but I was at CSA's calligraphy event the other day. A Rochester high school came to our school to learn about the student life at the University and learn about Chinese culture. We taught them how to do calligraphy during the event. It seems that the students were very interested in Chinese characters.

Besides teaching students, I also did one by myself... But my calligraphy is terrible, because I have never learned how to do it before. I tried and wrote a poem for my girlfriend, since it was our anniversary. I guess it was something special LOL. I was glad that Liz came to the event later, and I hope Liz also had a great time at the calligraphy event on Friday as well.

You guys should go if we have similar events going on again in the future :D

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Post 12

The IOS event was very interesting and informative. I love learning about other countries and their cultures. I learned a lot about the lifestyle of people from both India and Tokyo. One thing that was interesting was learning about the different foods and desserts Indian people eat. The reason why I think it was more intriguing to me was because my Godsister is getting married to an Indian man. It was good to learn about certain things about their culture before the two cultures join together. One thing I am excited about the two cultures joining together is that I love trying different type of foods and Indian food is one I am looking forward to try. From the presentation I learned that most of the foods are spicy and that is one of my favorites.

Learning about Tokyo was really interesting too. The facts were more interesting, even though the presentation was not as interesting or entertaining as the other presentation. It was fascinating to learn that the technology in Tokyo is so advanced. The technology they have, makes me feel that they are from outer space. One thing that I wished that our country would have is the trains. In the slide show it was mentioned that it would only take two hours from Rochester to New York City. If we had that type of technology here, we would be better off and happer.

This presentation was really enjoyable. It was nice to be in a class that we learned different things than the subjects we take. Also, this past two weeks have been full of exams and essays and it was nice to do a different kind of activity that would distract us from other things going on.

Blog #12 response

What did you think of the ISO/Simon event you attended?
The ISO/Simon event that we attended was so interesting! At first i thought the presenters would be mostly focusing on the cultural background of India and Tokyo but the many different aspects they focused on like food and technology grabbed my attention. I liked the overall open attitude that the presenters had, they were actually excited about what they were telling us and their comical personality made the presentation more attention grabbing. I also liked the videos they showed, the video of the packed trains in Tokyo and traffic in India was entertaining while they showed a glimpse of the life in those countries. These places made me think of actually studying abroad there so i can learn more about the different lifestyles they live.
My favorite part was the bullet train when it showed how it can travel great distances like Rochester to NYC in a small amount of time like 2 hours it made me think how great that would be if we had that here in America!

Prompt #12

ISO/Simon event we attended was interesting with many information and knowledge based on cultures, economics, traditions, values, and languages. I came from the eastern Nepal, which is close to North East of India so I already have some understanding about North and East part of India. I was thrilled to learned about other regions of India. Some of the cultures they mentioned was something I have never know before. What really grabbed my interest was the growing economic of the India. I have never knew India’s economic is one of the fastest growing economic in the world. Most of the cultural festivals and holidays of India are familiar to me. However, as I mentioned above the cultures and the life style of people in southern and western India really make force me to research more. In fact, I was looking at Google to learn more about these parts of India.

The information presented by two Japanese students was totally new for me. Something made me sucked was the way security pushed down the crew on the train. I have never ever though that was happening in India. Soon, I thought that incident happened during the tsunami. Moreover, it was great opportunity for me to learn about Japanese life style of the people including their culture and business. In future I want to learn more about Japan.

Prompt #12 Response

I really enjoyed the Simon Event last week. Since I went there, expecting this event would be about the graduate level of business studies that I don't know anything about, I was little worried that I could fall asleep during the event. However, that event was about interesting differences of various asian culture, including Japan and India. It was kind of an introduction of how to start the business in those countries. The presentation really captured the audiences attention, by using interesting video clips and photos. I thought that it would be great if I didn't miss anything.

I was especially interested about differences in culture among various region in India, surprised by the fact that they even speak with different languages. It also reminded me of the memory with my Indian friend in high school.

In addition, I was shocked by the video clip showing how Japanese commute in the morning. If I were there, I would certainly not be able to breath. That video was little exaggerated, but I felt enough what they wanted us to see - difference.

It was true that I have recently had a lot of stuffs to do. However, I think this event gave me enough energy that made me laugh and refreshed my mind. I would love to have those kinds of events later on in the writing class.

ISO Event!!

The ISO event we attended was great! I loved it because I have always wanted to travel around the world. Well, I just want to go to India, Japan, Egypt, China, and Europe. The event taught me that before, if I could ever afford to go to any of those countries, I first must learn about their culture. I do not want to be ignorant and step foot in a place where a lot of the things I do may seem disrespectful or wrong. It was also interesting to see their arts and food. One of the funniest parts was when they shoved the people into the trains, even though they said that the regular trains run every 3 minutes.

I also think that we should have that fast train here in the United States. That way, I could see my family in less time and it wouldn't take so long or be so exhausting. Besides, if I miss one train I could just wait for the next train in ten minutes- that would be fabulous!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Prompt #11 Response

What I know:

I searched some important definitions about animal research, starting from what animal testing is and a short history of animal experiment. This will be a part of my introduction.
For the literature review, I looked for the information about two opposite arguments - the opinion of people who agree with the animal research, and the opinion of people who disagree with the animal research. I also found the book, 'Animal as a person', which described the discourse about this issue regarding necessity issue and justification issue. I have recent journals and articles about current issues regarding laboratory animals in medical research. The ethical considerations for laboratory animals are also included in this literature review.
In order to answer my question, 'Are the legal protections for laboratory animals in the US enough? If not, how can we improve?', I have been searching for any information about law that shows the weakness of the system in the US.

What I want to know:

I want to figure out that specifically what parts in the law/protection system in the US are not sufficient and how to improve. In order to do that, I will also need some information about good protection system and organizations/groups in other countries.

Questions I want to ask:

I still think that my topic is not narrowed enough. I will focus on the protection system/law for laboratory animals in US and suggestions to improve the system. How can I specify more?

Prompt #11

1) What I know:

So far I have collected lot of information about the challenges that are facing by recent immigrants in United States. I have done this by interviewing people and through online journals and articles. As of now, I know that language barrier and acculturation stress are two major difficulties for recent immigrants. Most of the senior immigrants those who are resettling in Rochester have never go to school back in Bhutan because they have limited excess to school in the place they grew up. Unlike senior Bhutanese seniors, Bhutanese youth got chance to go to the school in Bhutanese refugee camp in Eastern Nepal, where they have spent sixteen years. Bhutanese youth has mentioned that they have limited English language proficiency and they are hoping to improve it as time goes by. Therefore, language has been much more difficult issue for the Bhutanese immigrants in United States.

2) What I want to know:

I want to know more about how getting involve into different cultures has been difficult for them. While, I know few facts about this issue from two Bhutanese immigrants that I have interviewed. However, I still want to learn more about this so I have scheduled the appointments with two Bhutanese immigrants for next week. Hopefully, I will get as much information as I would like to collect.

3) Questions I have or problems I am encountering:

One problem that I am having trouble with is developing a counterargument. I am not sure if I have to develop a counterargument while I am comparing Bhutanese immigrants issues from my primary research and secondary research. In my opinion my paper would looks more strong if I include counterargument in it so I need help with how could I develop a counterarguments in my paper.

What I know:
From my secondary research, I have learned many things about my topic of interest. I know that athletes are given so much publicity not only for their athletic accomplishments, but also for their personal life scandals. They are role models, whether they would like to be or not because of the media attention they receive. Although there are many athletes that make valuable contributions to society and set good examples for young children, there are others who do the exact opposite. They get involved with drugs, alcohol, and violence for a variety of reasons and all of this inevitably gets publicized. There are some athletes that just set poor examples for kids.

What I want to know:
I want to know if people think athletes should be obligated to present themselves as good role models since they get so much media attention. For the purpose of this paper, I specifically want to know how college athletes perceive the influence of professional athletes and whether or not they think these sports stars have a responsibility to set positive examples.

Problems I am having:
Everything is going pretty well so far, and I am not having too much trouble with anything yet. I handed out my surveys and I am just waiting to get them back. I haven't had a chance to sit down with the athletes I want to interview, but hopefully this will happen within the next few days.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What I know:
I know that my suspicions were correct and that gay men are targeted more by heterosexual's. this is due to two reasons that I did not know before- straight men are scared of being accused of being gay and gay men are "like women", therefore their job as being a man is pretty much not done, and it seems weird for the society to have to experience that. Also, I know how things are on a lesbian because I am a lesbian and so far, what I have read has made sense and does fall in line to my life.

What I want to know:
I sent the questions to my friend not so long ago but he still has not gotten back to me and I really want to know how it is for him being a gay man. I know he has a lot on his plate with his auditions and all, but I hope he gets the information in by this Friday. I also want to know why some females do not like the idea of gay men-since all I have read explains why heterosexual men might be against gay men and nothing about why some females are against homosexual men.

What I am having difficulty with:
So far everything is going smoothly- I am trying not to jinx myself. I have some questions about the counter argument starting from what information I have to include to make my counter-argument and ending with having a difficult time thinking of the right place to incorporate it into my essay.

prompt #11 response.

What I know:
I know that food companies spend billions of dollars a year advertising to children because it does work. All the different forms of advertising (commercials, ads, colorful graphics, music, and games) are employed to get kids to buy high sugar and high fat products. It has actually been proven that kids will be more drawn to a certain product simply because they have seen it advertised; it has also been proven that kids will be more drawn to a product just because it has their favorite cartoon character on it. The incident of childhood obesity and diabetes is no coincidence as advertising is reaching more kids nowadays who are being exposed to more and more media. Going into the grocery store for a simple product is like entering a bombardement of advertisements for everything else in the store, and it is no coincidence that the advertisements that are seen more are linked to the products that are most popular. Most parents don't read the nutrition facts when their kids want a certain food, and this has been linked to unhealthy eating habits in every aspect of life.

What I want to know:
I want to find out which advertising strategy is most effective; I want to know what people remember about their favorite cereal ads 10 years ago and if that has affected their cereal choices now. My survery questions will be as follows:
1. What is your favorite cereal (now)?
2. What was your favorite cereal 10 years ago when you were a child?
3. Tell me about why it was your favorite cereal then or still is now? (or perhaps: What do you most remember it terms of cereal advertising?)
4. I may also consider asking: What made your cereal choice change?
I want to interview both males and females, and athletes and nonathletes to see if these factors have an influence on my results. I want to see if there will be a separation between people who report their favorite cereal being lucky charms because of the colorful leprechaun cartoon versus those who report their favorite cereal as being plain cheerios because of its lack of advertising.
Questions I have or problems I am encountering:
I am having difficulties with developing survey questions that I am happy with. I thought I was done with that step, but I still feel as though my survey questions contain a lot of bias because I am sort of prompting people about the advertising aspect of the question. I also am not sure if my questions are structured specifically enough that I will have data that will streamline into set categories. I feel as though my questions leave me with too many possible answers. What do you guys think of these questions?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Promt #11 Response

So far I am doing more research on what I should include on my paper. As of right now I have looked through few articles in details about ethical consideration and technology. 2 of these articles bring really good points on how technology has impacted our lives. For example the device likes 6th sense. Had it been in the market now, what would have been the people reaction to it? How this device might have affected our lives and the ethics? Right now I kind of have a really broad sense of how I am connecting these ideas of misleading technology towards the ethics and moral that we all as humans should live by. But I know that I need to narrow it down to make it look more precise and not vague.

I still want to know more on this topic. I want to know if there is any search engines that any one already knows where I can find the best results of my topic “ Sixthsense device on the eyes of technology and ethical consideration” and to be little broad it’s just “Technology and ethical consideration”

There hasn’t been any problems finding articles but narrowing the points and purpose on that article and to relate it to my topic has been a little challenge. I need help creating a flow of my ideas. I would say one of my biggest challenges in writing a paper is about connecting my ideas. I know the matter like what I am writing, but the question is how I am connecting the ideas? Right now I kind of feel good about this though; coz Liz helped me sampling my 10 page paper. But I know I will get stuck in the middle somewhere to ask myself what’s next?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Prompt 11 Response - David

What I know:
Here is the information that I have so far:
a brief description of E-cigarettes. Even though E-cigarettes have many beneficial features to the society, I found online that the government is trying to ban the product. The reason for the government to ban the product is that a study by FDA discovered that there was toxic chemical in some E-cigarette companies' products. However, another article shows that there was no toxic chemical found in Green Smoker company's E-cigarettes. Furthermore, an article mentions that the government might be afraid that they would lose a great amount of tax revenue from tobacco if E-cigarettes take over the market.

What I want to know:
I want to find out what the government's additional concerns. Also, I want to find out the tax revenue the government gain from selling tobacco and E-cigarettes. What I would do is to look up online and go to tobacco and E-cigarette stores to find out the tax on the products. I will need to do a calculation of how much the government gain from selling both products and how much consumers spend in buying both products. I will also need to look up the environmental cost of producing both products.

Questions I have or problems I am encountering:
I sent an email to FDA's directors to ask if there is any other concerns about selling E-cigarettes. However, the feedback they sent back was still skeptical. What I might do is to analyze what they send back to me and explain why I think is skeptical. And I am going to get into the topic of economic and environmental costs of both products and see which one has more benefits to the society.

Prompt 11 - Due Monday November 14th by midnight

Answer these questions about your paper:

What I know:

What I want to know:

Questions I have or problems I am encountering:

Monday, November 7, 2011


I had a lot of fun in Thursday's party, it was a great opportunity to distract my mind, spend time with classmates out of class, and interact with new people. I played games I never heard of before, but unfortunately I forgot their names. What made Thursday even more exciting was that I was allowed to bring my closest friend from here, Kiara, to the party-Having her by my side made it so much easier to open up and interact with everyone. I also spoke to a guy who was sitting next to David, unfortunately I forgot his name as well- I have an awful memory! I loved interacting with Liz as well, she is very humble, sweet, and energetic. The highlight of my day was when I saw her get on the desk and jump to the floor- that was cool. The food was good as well; I need to order from that place. They have the best fast food I have eaten thus far here in Rochester. I hope she is able to do this again with her future classes- it was great!

Blog post #10

I think that the party on Thursday was a beneficial activity. It was nice to be able to interact with people that I normally would not talk to on regular basis around campus. I met a couple girls from China, and we played Taboo with them. I also spoke to a couple people from different ECO years, and we shared stories about our different summer program experiences. I even got to reunite with a couple of the people from the summer class, which was nice, because with our varying schedules on campus, it is very difficult to see everyone, so this was a great opportunity to catch up. The food was also a great touch. Over all I had a great time, with some good laughs. I hope the writing program keeps offering to pay for it, so that you may continue to do events like this, because it seemed like everyone was interacting well with each other, and making some new friendships, or catching up with an old friend.

Prompt 10

What did you do at the party on Thursday? Who did you meet? Was this a good use of class time or not?
I really did enjoy the party last week. It was nice to interact with students from a different year. I already knew several of the upper class men like Henry and Tao. But I did try to meet new people. I am bad with remembering names, but I did play Taboo with international students from china. They were in my team in the game. I was not shy around them, but it seemed that they were of me. Sometimes it was hard to talk to them because they did not really want to speak to me, so they stayed with each other. Then I really enjoyed the ECO reunion and our game of taboo.
I enjoyed experiencing this break from classes. I believe it was a good use of class time. If we are viewing as an educational point of view, I can say that it helped me with my social skills. I am usually not the type to go to a person that I do not know and join a group with them. Over all it was a nice experience and break. Thank you, Liz:)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Prompt #10 Response

I had a really great time at the party on the last Thursday. In my chemistry lecture which was right before my writing class, I really thought that the time went very slow. So as soon as finishing the lecture, I ran to Wilson Commons. I met some new friends, playing game with them, and talking to each other. Sitting down and talking with friends were what I mostly did at the party, but I really enjoyed that time. During that time, I couldn't think of any other stuffs that have been bothering me, like homework, exams, and papers. Maybe because I didn't feel any pressure, I talked pretty much at the party on Thursday. I liked the music as well. I played three games with friends. All of them helped me to have fun with new friends. Pictionary which I haven't done for a while was also interesting, reminding me of old memories.
I believe that the party was valuable. That time was for us to communicate with new people, sharing information with each other, and having fun.
I had a lot of fun at the party on Thursday, and I met Keira, Chen, and I think I met Jimmy as well. It was really great to talk to everyone and just play games and get to know each other better. I got a chance to play Jenga, Taboo, and Apples to Apples. I think I liked playing Taboo the most though :) Personally, I think this was a good use of class time. I have been super busy lately with midterms and just regular work and it was nice to forget about everything for a little while and have fun with everyone in a comfortable setting. It was also cool to talk to different people and learn new things about all the people at the party. It was a nice break from the regular class schedule, for me at least.

Prompt #10

Thursday’s party actually was fantastic with lot of fun. I really enjoyed meeting up the new people and playing games. While, most of the games were new for me so I loved learning the rules and the tricks of the games. I have met lot of new freshman and learning from them was the best part of the party. Another important person I met in the party was a BME sophomore who has gone to Sydney, Australia for abroad study. It was an amazing coordination to meet her especially at the time when I was looking to meet somebody to talk about abroad study. I was doing the research about abroad study in Sydney so when I met this sophomore student and heard that there is good engineering program in Sydney I was extremely happy. Besides meeting people, pizza and wings were delicious. I don’t know about the wings but I am big fan of pizza, I love pizza. In my opinion it was really great use of class time because class is design for students to learn and study something and Thursday’s party was one of the great environment to meet new friends and learned from them and at the same time sharing my own story and opinion to them was another great things. As a whole, I enjoyed the party on Thursday and meeting new friends was the great opportunity and fun.

Promt # 10 Response

I had a great time in the party that was on Thursday. I met Chen, Jimmy and all other Chinese friends. I also had a really awesome chance to meet with some of my ECO friends who were there. I played almost all the games there. First off, we played the game.. Oops I forgot the name... It was a game where you would find the names starting from the letter that we got by rolling a dice. So you had to name all the things on the list starting from that letter. This game actually helped built my thinking process and I really enjoyed it. We also played many other games and the last one which is called apple to apple was really fun. I wish I had longer time to play that game. I really enjoyed it. This game actually built by knowledge about many words that I have never heard of.

I believe the Party was an awesome use of class time. It was more like a knowledge sharing party, where we all sat on a table and talked about each other and the courses that we are taking. It was more like an interaction with each other. I really enjoyed talking to new people from different places. The food was great and so the people were. I think we should organize like the same kind of party at the end of the semester where we can explore ourselves and know about what other people think about our own ideas.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

prompt #10 response.

I met Keira and Chen at the party. I also met Chen's friend, another Chinese guy, but I forgot his name :/ I also go to speak to a girl who was in her Take 5 year here who had gone to many different countries as a study abroad student. I think it was really cool meeting so many new people, and I love hearing about other people's study abroad experiences because I won't be able to do it myself. Otherwise, I spent a while playing Jenga with Tek and Michelle (I think Tek really likes that game because we played so many games! (:) Then our whole class got together and played that one game where you tried to guess the word based on the clues that someone was giving (Sorry, I'm completely blanking on the name). Overall, I thought it was a good bonding experience for our class because I feel as though many of us don't really know each other that well even though our class is so small. I liked that it was really low key and there was no pressure to have to participate (even though I really like classes were we have group discussions where everyone participates). I think that was the first time I was really able to let loose and be myself around these classmates so that was fun! It was also cool to see how everyone was like outside of class. I have to be honest, and hopefully I don't get spammed with too many angry comments for saying this, but I feel like a class talking about annotated bibliographies would have been more helpful. Personally I dread writing annotated bibliographies, and honestly I feel that they are completely useless to me because I feel like the summary is purely for someone else's benefit. It is much more organized and beneficial for me just to keep track of what sources I am using in my own way.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Prompt # 10 Response - David

What did you do at the party on Thursday? Who did you meet? Was this a good use of class time or not?

I had a great time at the party on Thursday. I met Rantai, Kewei, Chen, Jimmy... and Kiera? (I think that's her name). At first, we played card game, which I don't know what the name is... Basically we have someone from the group to explain what a word is so that we can get the word. It was fun... but I quitted later @@ After that, what surprised me was that I found that Jenny actually speaks Chinese pretty well!! That was impressive! Liz probably didn't want us to speak in Chinese anymore so she got us to play Jenga. It was a better game, but I was still terrible at it. I met Kewei and Rantai while playing the game. Then we ended up playing Pictionary! Liz and I were in one team, Kewei, Jenny, and Lei were in another one. Even though they gave my team an extra point for us to catch them up, we still lost, because their team is TOO good. (Egrrhh...) I ate a lot of pizza, and some chicken wings. I like the wings. They were tasty. I hung out at the room for another while before I left.
I personally like this. It gives us more opportunity to meet more people from outside of classes. I had never talked to new Chinese students too much, but at the party, I had a chance to get to know more about them, which was awesome!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Prompt #10 due Monday, November 7th

What did you do at the party on Thursday? Who did you meet? Was this a good use of class time or not?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Prompt #9 due Monday, Oct. 31st

Rather than create a post, I ask that you comment on two posts this week.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Prompt #8

This weekend, was pretty uneventful for me. Unfortunately my family was not able to come up for Meliora weekend, so I was just stuck watching many people reunite with their families, and the long lines at Starbucks. I did get to catch up on a lot of sleep between Friday and Saturday, considering the multitude of tests I had last week, and the lack of sleep I experienced as a consequence, it was quite awesome being able to go to bed and not have a thousand things running through my mind. Besides catch up on sleep, I also worked a couple hours and saw 2 movies in my dorm. Like I said quite uneventful, but overall a very relaxing weekend, which was much needed.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Prompt #8 Response

I really like this prompt because I feel like writing my diary which I have not written for three years. I didn't have any plans for this Meliora weekend, but I had really great time with my friends.
For me, like most of U of R students, this weekend started the last friday afternoon. I and two of my friends went to Korean Restaurant, Sodam, for the first time. We really enjoyed since it tasted like home-food! After came back from the restaurant, the campus was already filled with a lot of people, except the libraries. Thus, we watched one of the most popular movies this year in Korea in the theater in Gleason library.
Unfortunately, I didn't do many things on Saturday. Sometimes I really want to play the piano for a very long time, like this Saturday. I spent almost afternoon, like for 3 to 4 hours, playing the piano in the practice room number 4 of basement of Spurrier Gym.
Lastly, for Sunday.. the day before Monday. I had four homeworks that were due by Monday. I don't have to anything to say about that then.. Since I have a meeting Tuesday about scheduling the courses for next semester, I spent an hour planning what courses to take. It was much difficult than I thought it would be.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this Meliora weekend, thinking that time goes really fast!

Promt # 8

My Meliora weekend started with BME homework on Friday afternoon until 8 pm. After 8 I went out with my friends. We went to see this movie called rise of the planets or the APES. I enjoyed the movie and thought it carried a deep meaning as far as animal hurting is concerned. After the movie was done at around 10 pm we came back to the University. I saw that Russell Peters was coming here. I saw him for last 10 minutes of his show which I think was kind of nice. He was hilarious and made lots of funny jokes that made me laugh. After that I didn’t do anything for that day.

The next day, it was Saturday and I went to Buffalo NY just to hang out with my friends, I came back at around 5 pm in the evening and went to macys to buy some warm clothes for the winter. I wasn’t really able to attend any events during the Meliora weekend, Next thing I did was we went around the city in my friends, also went to the downtown area. Today so far I am very busy finishing my homework. I need to finish my chemistry homework and also the lab report, and also practice for my exam

Prompt #8

This weekend my parents and my grandfather came to visit me. We did not do any of the activities that the University had planned, but I did get to spend quite a bit of time with my family so it was a really great weekend. We went out to dinner on Friday and Saturday night and my mom took me shopping (I figured it was the best time to go since she offered to pay for everything I got). I didn't really get any work done while they were here, so unfortunately I will be up very late on Sunday trying to get everything done. Other than that, I had a fun time this weekend and it was really nice to see my family again :)

Prompt 8 Response David

I enjoy the Meliora weekend so far. I watched the President Clinton's speech (but not at the Eastman...), it was impressive to have him having a speech at our school! Then I met up with some Simon Faculties at lunch, and it was good to learn some experience of them getting into the Simon MBA program, because it is one of my goal to get into the Simon for my graduate degree in couple years. In the afternoon, I helped my friend Gen cut his hair (I was impressed that my hair cutting skill is getting better lol), but the most exciting event I have had is the Chinese Students' Association event - Lantern Painting. We prepared the Lanterns for people to paint, and we taught those who wanted to have Chinese Characters on their lanterns to write in Chinese. We ran out of the lanterns an hour before the event actually ends, but I was glad to heard that people had a great time painting their Lanterns (you guys should come next year :)). Nothing really much after, but just hanged out with my friends. It was a good day and I should probably go to bed... I had a pretty good weekend so far, except for not getting enough time to sleep :(

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm currently back home with my family, since I missed them all dearly. The problem was that I had a test on Friday, which meant I had to leave Rochester in the night time. Therefore, I technically cut my weekend short. Also, since I spent so much time studying for my test, I had to bring my homework along and now I have to do all of my homework. What sucks is that I have to leave tomorrow at five in the afternoon so I have to have an all-nighter today. Although it seems as if I had to rush my weekend, my weekend has been the best one I've had in a very long time. I got to spend time with one of my closest friends, Kiara, and her mom, I'm home, and I feel very confident about my psych test.

Next year I want to stay in Rochester for Mel weekend, since I hear it's loads of fun.

Prompt # 8

This weekend I do not plan to do anything special. Today, I went to see our school's football team play for homecoming. It was the first time I have ever been to a football game, so most of the time I was lost. The good thing is that we won. Another thing I did today was perform for Rochester Revenue. I am happy because I was for this performance, I was ten times more confident. Because I was secure about myself, I actually enjoyed performing. Thankfully, I did not mess up like I did last performance at Tropicana. Tomorrow will be a relax day for me. During this whole week, I tried planning my work out perfectly so that most of my homework will be done by Friday. This is my last homework assignment for this week:) The only thing I will have to do tomorrow is go to salseros. I have to go tomorrow because we have to start practicing for our next performances that are on Friday and Saturday. I do not mind because I love my Salseros family.
The only thing negative about my weekend is that, seeing parents all over campus makes me miss my parents. For next Meliora weekend, I am going to be sure to invite my parents.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Prompt #8

My weekend will start from Friday evening. I already plan to go watch movie with some of my friends and uncle today around 9:00 pm. We haven’t talk about what movie are you going to watch but hopefully we will decide to watch something interesting movie. On Saturday I scheduled my day for doing homework because I have tons of homework. I have lab report for chemistry, BME homework, and chemistry homework. Sunday will be my busy day since I asked two juniors from RIT who are doing their project on immigrants to come to University of Rochester. They are hoping to interview me to share some stories that I have been through since I came to the USA. I am also hoping to interview them and explore more about what are the challenges that refugee youths are facing. Later on Sunday I am planning to go home for a while because my uncle’s friend has birthday and I am invited. Hopefully, this weekend will be fun for everybody and me.

prompt #8 response.

There seems to be so much going on this weekend, yet none of it really seems to affect me. I don't think I'm actually partaking in any of the official meliora activities, except the MYSTIC MIDNIGHT MADNESS psychic fair. It sounds so intriguing...and there's free desserts. The swim team is also having our first swim meet, an intra-team event, against some alumni. I can't wait to race.

Other than that, it'll be a weekend full of chem studying for me. Oh and you guys should all go see An Absolute Turkey because one of my friends is in it, and I heard it is hilarious! (:

I wish my parents were coming because I really miss them ):

Post 8 for Monday, oct. 24

Something fun you'll do (or did) this weekend...

Happy Meliora!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog #7 response

For my research paper i have decided to focus on the issue of gang violence in our nation. I chose this topic because this is a topic that i actually am very passionate about. Gang violence is a issue i feel affects everyone, not only those who are involved it but those just living around it. I live in a neighborhood where i experience the effects of this violence between these different groups of gangs. Not only are the lives of my family and friends in danger but every time a innocent life is included in this, it upsets me. I have friends who are involved in this type of lifestyle and they see in no way they are doing anything wrong. This is the reason i want to do an interview with one of the people who live this lifestyle and see no reason in why they should stop. i have intriguing and curious questions i would like to ask them about the reason they do this and that could hopefully lead me to not a solution but maybe an idea of why this happens. If I could understand these people and why they choose (if it's a choice) to live this way, it could help me come to a way to maybe even help them stop living this lifestyle.
The interviews could be a insight to the other side of gang violence that we dont get to read in the papers or see in the news. We get to hear it from someone on the inside. I don't know the main purpose for my paper yet but i know i want to discuss gang violence and why its such a serious controversy and why we should pay more attention to it.

Post 7

What ideas do you have (so far) for a final research topic?

I think I am going to stick with the idea of women rights. For formal essays 2, my topic was on the violate of rights of women that work in factories. For my final research paper, I do not only want to forces on women in the work force, but also on how women are also mistreated by society. I am not talking about our society ,but societies in undeveloped countries. I guess I can say that I want to write about the oppression women face around the world. The only problem I see is, finding a way to research this topic. I could find a lot of secondary research, but I do not know what primary research I would do.
Another topic I was considering is evaluating women roles portrayed in media. I would look at different kinds of media and analyze how gender roles are portrayed. For instance, I will watch a movie and look for all the gender stereo types. The only question I have about that is if it is social injustice issue. Women stereotypes can be an issue, but I do not think it is to the point in which people will try to stop it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Promt # 7 Response..

Iraq, Afghanistan War: Principle reasons to economic recession?

I am thinking about doing a research on the US war with Middle East as a principle reasons to economic recession. Is the money that we are spending on war more like a waste or does this spending on terror also have some good sides? Should we stop these wars and focus more on fighting the economic downfall that we are facing now? I would like to include and talk about the statistics about the tax money that our government puts on to the army that we sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. I would include that data of whether the people in US like these actions of government sending the troops to foreign nations. Also if the people in those countries actually like the US army being there, do they feel safe about it or are they even more scared about the US force there? Are US armies in those lands actually helping to keep the country and people safe or are they even creating more disturbance?

At last, I would like to propose a solution how these problems might be dealt? I don’t mean that I will be able to solve these problems because they are unsolved for years? But I will definitely write my opinions that might help the situations in some ways

Prompt #7 Response

I learned about medical ethics in my BME class last week, and I came up with the idea for my research paper in the writing class - Medical ethic. As a result, I want to write about animal testing for research, which refers to medical research. i.e. the development of drugs and surgical procedures. etc.

When I decided to write about animal testing, I thought it should be banned. However, as I have searched for more information about this topic, I found out that I actually believe that preliminary animal testing is necessary.

I'll focus on few questions;
-Why is preliminary animal testing necessary?
-What are the pros and ons for animal testing?
-Does testing on lab animals hurt?
-If people can't do animal testing, how can people ensure the effect of products before it goes to the market.

For now, I am still confused with my personal opinion, since I believe that emotion or prospective is the major determining factor, like whether a person believes the benefits of animal testing outweigh the problems associated with the practice. In addition, I also think that those ethical aspect actually overshadows both pros and cons of animal testing.....

I guess I'll argue that animal testing is necessary. Do you have any other great questions that I have to focus on?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prompt #7

I am interested in doing research on the salaries of some of the most popular athletes and entertainers. They get paid an unthinkable amount of money to do what they do, however, many of them present themselves as very poor role models. The question I might pose is what is the value of entertainment? These athletes and performers earn their salary for doing what most everyday people are not capable of doing, but is it worth the price of destroying the innocence of young children? For my research, I might watch certain segments on the news and see what portion of these segments are reserved to talking about scandals involving these athletes and entertainers and what portion is designated to reporting the actual results of games or performances. I am not sure if this research will be effective enough to allow me to write a long paper, though. I am also unsure of which people to focus on during the research- although there are some very poor role models out there, there are some good ones as well. Any suggestions would be great!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Prompt 7 response - David

What ideas do you have (so far) for a final research topic?

I am very interested in the updated news of the government's action towards Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes). The first time I saw E-cigarettes was at the Marketplace Mall, and I was surprised that the sellers told us that smokers won't get addicted to E-cigarettes. Instead, I was told that E-cigarettes can help people get rid of smoking tobacco. I was very curious and I looked up E-cigarettes online. To my surprised, I saw a bunch of news saying that the government is trying to ban E-cigarettes, because the government found cancer causing materials in E-cigarettes. I am curious about what is happening. For my paper, I think I will do a research on the results from studies of E-cigarettes from E-cigarettes companies and the government and figure out if the government should ban E-cigarettes.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I think the topic you are thinking of writing about is great! Not many people give importance to the struggles of immigrants or of their feelings. We say this is the place to make our dreams come true- the land of the free! Yet, immigrants are not free, they have to feel as outcasts and have to be limited to things because they "do not belong" to this land. I do not see the problem with people from a different land living in the United States and neither should anyone else because if they do, then they forget why this is what we now call the United States. It's good that you yourself were in the same position. In my personal belief, I do not believe it would be harmful if you state that in your research, as long as you present the counter attack of those who make life of immigrants a living hell and why it is unjust. Also, remember to state the problem which I don't think should be the struggles immigrants face rather than the reason why they struggle. The struggles they actually encounter should be a branch of the main problem. I hope this helped at all or gave you something else to think about!

-Good luck


I want to write about whether anti-homosexuality is biased. In other words, when the general public thinks about sexuality, do they find homosexuality as a whole wrong or is the problem homosexual men?

I initially thought of making some sort of blog and seeing the responses of all types of individuals but all of my attempts have been failing, so I feel as if this approach would not be the best to take. Therefore I decided to do two things:

1) Look at one of my favorite shows that show this bias and made me think of this issue- Degrassi the Next Generation
2)I have two people who have talked to me about this issue and I have decided to include them in my research

The only problem is that I don't know if these resources would suffice :( Any suggestions?

Prompt #7

The issue that I obtained from is about the social injustice. It tells a lot about how a single mom with daughters was treated by the court just because she sent her kids to the school in district other than she lives. She had to face so many consequences, more than people could have ever imagined. For my final project I would like to research something similar to this issue where people has to stay under pressure and many situation. The best thing in my mind so far is doing research in recently moved immigrant in one of the Rochester’s community and figured out what are the challenges they have to face in their new home.

Some of us might know what it means to immigrate to the new place and settle down. Personally, I came to NYC, USA three years ago as an immigrant. During my first year of life in USA I had to face so much challenges, something that I had ever think of. The research I would like to do is about Bhutanese Refugee who has been resettling in Rochester. More specifically, I am going to find the challenges that the Bhutanese youth students have to face in their new land. I am interested in this topic because I am not only trying to research about the issue but I would also like to find the solutions for this issue. Back in NYC I participated in Leaders in Training at International Rescue Committee, where diverse students from different schools in NYC used to gathered together and talked about the issues that the new refugees youth are facing in their new home. This project is very good opportunity for me to do research on Bhutanese youth in Rochester and bring some changes if possible.

prompt #7 response.

The issue on that I wrote formal paper number 2 was about the marketing of healthy food to children. I am really interested in this topic for two reasons. Number one, health and healthy eating is super important to me as an athlete. I am also really interested in nutrition and learning more about how food really does change your life. Second, I think it would be really interesting to look into how children respond to these marketing techniques because psychology is also another topic that has really fascinated me. I thought that I could do surveys and interviews of children, or even college age kids, for my primary research into how we are affected by different marketing techniques. However, my main worry is that I will not have enough to talk about on this issue. I am not sure what problem I would be investigating because I am not clear whether there is or isn't a serious issue around this topic. For example, do marketing techniques that use popular pop stars cause children to pick sugary cereals over granola? I am not sure how to streamline my area of focus on this issue because I feel like there are so many surface questions to be asked.

I really want to research something that has to do with food justice though because I think we all forget that proper nutrition can be just as important as any other social right. Does anyone have any suggesting on other research topics or how I can streamline this one? Should I focus on one type of marketing? (This I would have to reasearch because I am not sure how marketing is even categorized.) Should I focus on a certain food group? This idea is definitely still in the works.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prompt #7 - due 10/17

What ideas do you have (so far) for a final research topic?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Promt # 6

I use face book and Hi5, I think they both are huge place to share culture and ideas. In many aspects I think Facebook shares lots of culture. Before I came here I didn’t know much about this country and the culture here. Even though I use to have Facebook, earlier it got more diverse since I have been here. I met friends from many different states and countries. Now I have people on my Facebook from a lot of places. They share their land and culture, the pictures, videos and the status that they put are diverse in many ways.

Most of my friends in Facebook are from Nepal and India, Most of the time I see them sharing their own culture. Like usually they post an Indian song or a dance, my friends from Nepal also do the same. Now I also have friends from here. When I go to their page they are more diverse on their own way. So nowadays Facebook really has been a way or a network to share culture. Before Facebook was very popular I use to use Hi5 which is also a social network, usually famous for making friends, more like Facebook. There also I observed lots of cultural diversification as far as culture seemed.

Prompt #6

I would like to talk about the Facebook as one of the online spaces that I routinely visit. Facebook has definitely shared cultures and values. Facebook has been the best place for people of all kinds to share what they have and what they have been through. Music, pictures, opinions, feelings, comments are some of the common things people like to share in Facebook. Creating different groups represent the culture in Facebook because certain group of people with certain objectives can be created in Facebook to talk and share information that they have within the group. For example, there is University of Rochester group in Facebook where students interact within the group. They share what they have and they ask any question they might have.

Sometimes I found that it is easy to judge people mood by visiting their Facebook page. One good example that I have is the fact I found with my uncle a month ago. When I used to write message to my uncle in Facebook usually, I used to receive reply soon from him like within a day. A month ago I had some kind of simple debate with my uncle and he was mad with my perspective in that debate. Later, I messaged him to make sure if he is still mad with me. He didn’t reply me for a week that clearly showed that he is still mad with me. Therefore, Facebook plays an important role in sharing cultures and values.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Prompt #6-Natalie

I'd say that Facebook is a huge center for sharing culture, and values. Not only am I able to read status' and get a person's point of view, or feelings on a certain topic, but even through pictures and songs that people share, you are able to get a sense for their moods and certain likes and dislikes. Many people find themselves relating to another persons views through status updates. I know for a fact when people post a status and depicts something that they like or hate, if I happen to feel the same way about it, I automatically "like" it, in order to depict the fact that we share the same feelings on that specific topic.
I think that the website Tumblr, actually has more aspects of culture sharing, because people blog about things and then other people are easily able to reblog what that person posted if they agree with it. Many times you can tell a lot about a person by the things they blog about. I know that when there is a controversial event in the news, many times different pictures will arise that relate directly to that event. Recently with the cases of Casey Anthony and Troy Davis, there were numerous pictures that had something to do with the cases, whether good or bad, many people reblogged the photos or even paragraphs that detailed the way the public felt about the cases. Many people were throwing morals into it and there were heated arguments about it, where the country's values were being questioned. In that sense I think that this social network also helps people connect and relate or even disagree and question culture and values.

Prompt 6 Response - David

One of the spaces that I visit routinely is Facebook, and I definitely think that FB has shared values and culture from different countries. Facebook is used by users from all over the world, which does not only share the U.S. culture to users from other countries, but also is a platform for users from other countries to share their values with each other.
I am from China, and I personally think that I am able to share my Chinese value with people from other countries on Facebook. I work for the Chinese Students' Association (CSA) at University of Rochester and I plan events and invite people on Facebook. One of the examples is "China Nite," one of the biggest CSA events that celebrates Chinese Spring Festival. On Facebook, I write a brief description under the RSVP page, introducing the traditional Chinese festival to people from different countries. On Facebook, I am able to spread Chinese culture to my friends on the website.
Facebook does not only enable us to share culture from different countries, but also allow people from out of the States to learn how U.S. allow people to talk freely on the website. For example, as a foreign student, I am surprise to see many critics towards the government from the citizens when they rise their concerns on specific issues (which is not allowed in China). From Facebook, I learn more about the U.S. culture as well - to speak freely.
Therefore, I think online resources such as Facebook has shared culture and values from different countries.

Prompt #6

One of the only online sites that I visit regularly is Facebook. I would consider this website to have shared culture and values, but I am not sure what the meaning of shared is in this context. If we are talking about, shared, as in having things in common, it surely exists on Facebook. A great example of this is the "college culture". I do not have any friends from high school attending the same college as me, however it is easy to relate to many of the statuses they post such as "going for a late-night Starbucks run" or "dreading 9 A.M. class tomorrow". I hold many of the same values as my friends and other college peers, and these can easily be shared via Facebook. If we were to use shared in the sense that our ideas and beliefs can be presented onto a space for others to comment on, this can also be seen on Facebook. You can learn a great deal about a person's values just from looking at their Facebook page. The majority of people will only post about things that they truly care about. For some, it could be music and movies, and for others it could be education and family. Either way, it is easy to see what ethics and ideals are important to someone, and Facebook is a venue for people to share these on. Not only does Facebook allow you to learn many things about other people, but it also puts you in a position where you can interact with these people. By liking or commenting on their posts, you can attain more information about their beliefs and express your own ideas on the topic as well.

Prompt #6 Response

I don’t usually use various types of online spaces, such as twitter and blogs, but I do often use Facebook since I consider that it has the largest users in the world and certainly has shared cultures and values that I regard as significant worth in this global society.

Facebook is obviously worldwide. I believe that among numerous shared cultures and values, its characteristic of multiculturalism is what people are attracted to. Using Facebook, people can share any information, ideas, stories and even photos and videos with their friends in anywhere in the world. Following this, people can comment on anything they want to add or like any post they really understand and enjoy conveying their thoughts. For example, in Korea, many entertainment companies that have very popular K-pop singers actually have their own Facebook page to share and update any information about their concerts or the news to the world. Once they post some information in the wall, numerous fans from all around world start to like and comment on the post, sharing their thought and expressing how excited they are. Although fans come from all different kind of countries, cultures, and societies, they are finally connected each other with one united common idea.

I often believe that the world is not divided into several pieces anymore. They have become one unity as they are in online spaces. Facebook triggers this motion by sharing multicultural values to all over the world.