Monday, November 14, 2011

What I know:
From my secondary research, I have learned many things about my topic of interest. I know that athletes are given so much publicity not only for their athletic accomplishments, but also for their personal life scandals. They are role models, whether they would like to be or not because of the media attention they receive. Although there are many athletes that make valuable contributions to society and set good examples for young children, there are others who do the exact opposite. They get involved with drugs, alcohol, and violence for a variety of reasons and all of this inevitably gets publicized. There are some athletes that just set poor examples for kids.

What I want to know:
I want to know if people think athletes should be obligated to present themselves as good role models since they get so much media attention. For the purpose of this paper, I specifically want to know how college athletes perceive the influence of professional athletes and whether or not they think these sports stars have a responsibility to set positive examples.

Problems I am having:
Everything is going pretty well so far, and I am not having too much trouble with anything yet. I handed out my surveys and I am just waiting to get them back. I haven't had a chance to sit down with the athletes I want to interview, but hopefully this will happen within the next few days.

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