Sunday, November 20, 2011

ISO Event!!

The ISO event we attended was great! I loved it because I have always wanted to travel around the world. Well, I just want to go to India, Japan, Egypt, China, and Europe. The event taught me that before, if I could ever afford to go to any of those countries, I first must learn about their culture. I do not want to be ignorant and step foot in a place where a lot of the things I do may seem disrespectful or wrong. It was also interesting to see their arts and food. One of the funniest parts was when they shoved the people into the trains, even though they said that the regular trains run every 3 minutes.

I also think that we should have that fast train here in the United States. That way, I could see my family in less time and it wouldn't take so long or be so exhausting. Besides, if I miss one train I could just wait for the next train in ten minutes- that would be fabulous!


  1. Yes! I also thought that I really have to study their culture before I go travel to another country, like even before learning some basic language! It would be really annoying if you unintentionally seem disrespectful in another country.. :( Your funniest part is what I was most interested at as well. For me.. we should have really fast airplane here in the world!!!!!! I really want to see my family like you :)

  2. Yes you are both right! When they showed the tutorial video of how to greet and have a business meeting in India, it shocked me how different it was from our actions here. Things we would normally do here aren't accepted there. And could be taken the wrong way and be completely misunderstood1

  3. The train scene was very shocking. I did not think it was possible to fit so many people in one train. That clip actually reminded me of home. I had a flash back of riding the seven train everyday to high school. In the mornings, it would be rush hours and that was when there was the most people. No one wanted to be that, therefore everyone shoved themselves in the train. My best friend Crystal and I always had an on going joke, that we have to bull into the train. I know that when I use to do that with crystal, I will always get hurt. It is shocking that there are not sever injures when they forcefully shove that amount of people in a train in Tokyo. I could not believe that there were actual workers that shove people inside.

  4. Yes, I agree! Cultures from different countries could be so different! Especially when the first time I came to the U.S. for high school, I found that I had a cultural gap with my peers from the U.S. Take sports as an example, in China we usually play soccer and basketball, however, when I get to the U.S. I found that Football, Lacross and Hockey... I am glad now I am getting used to the culture and sharing lots of common sense with students at the U.S.
